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Not the Academy Awards...

Apparently I'm passing through my Chinese film section of my Netflix queue cause I received the following in order: Beijing Bicycle, The King of Masks, and Shower on successive days.

Beijing Bicycle was a rather long, drawn out, peculiar affair that was supposedly a look into the Chinese mindset. Definitely a bit of a foreign mindset if this movie is any indication. Apparently determination (or stubbornness, depending on how you want to look at it) and hard work doesn't bring you fame and fortune (as would be the case in Hollywood films), but half-assed compromises, a lot of running, a slew of severe ass-kickings, and an abused bike. Supposedly traditional Chinese thinking bases your chance of success in life on the social class that you were born into. At least according to the director of this film. Bit more of a fatalistic view of the world. I'm not entirely certain I would recommend this flick. The second main lead's love interest is rather attractive however. Might be worth a look if you're interested in social commentary I suppose.

The King of Masks comes in on the other end of the spectrum. Like The Road Home, it's an extremely well-done and moving film. Looks like it was filmed way earlier though. But it's a superbly acted film and will take you through the gamut of emotions. And the sleight of hand "change-face" opera is pretty impressive. Easily recommended.

Shower is probably the lightest film of the three. As close to a feel good movie as you can get with Chinese films I suppose. The father in this movie is the same actor as the King of Masks and he plays the type very well. The movie provides an interesting look at communal bath houses back in the day. Easily digestible movie.

Also downloaded the live-action GTO movie off of BitTorrent thanks to Lee. 'twas ok, the anime is better (which shouldn't surprise anyone) and for some reason I couldn't shake the feeling that I've seen this before. But I can't freakin' stop staring at Rena Tanaka. Good lord.

Now gotta go watch Blue Crush.


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Comments (3)


Haven't seen any of those 3 yet. But, Zhou Xun's a cutie.

You need to watch the GTO live action *series*. I didn't care all that much for the movie either.


There's a live action series??? That's kinda frightening.

Eh, Zhou Xun doesn't do much for me. Erin recognized her though but her part in this particular movie was rather tiny. I like Gao Yuanyuan much better.


Well, you gotta remember ... most dramas in Japan run only 1 season (in the literal sense of the word) -- in this case, 12 episodes.

Even if you don't know who Matsushita Nanako is -- I didn't -- you'll recognize her from all the print and TV ads that circulate throughout Asia. Supposedly, she was the reigning "drama queen" at the time. Doesn't look anything like Fuyutsuki from the manga/anime, though.

Gao's a cutie too.

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