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Imaginary road rage...

So during this time of year on the weekends, the exit off of Route 24 West that leads to the Short Hills Mall is annoyingly congested due to crappy planning (it criss-crosses with a road running parallel to the exit that funnels people out of the mall and onto Route 24). So there's usually a line of cars running back almost to the prior exit waiting to get to the mall which I got myself stuck in this past weekend which really sucked cause I wasn't even going to the mall. I wasn't in a particular rush so I wasn't too pissed but as I sat there I couldn't help thinking that they really should put anti-vehicle weaponry on cars. Just for those rude muthaf*ckas who ignore the line waiting to use the exit, drive right up to the exit itself and expect to just merge in. Are you *bleep*ing kidding me?! If you tried to pull that crap in a normal line you'd be lucky if you got off with just a glare and a sarcastic remark. And you'd still have to go to the back of the line. So what makes people think that they don't have to follow procedure when in a car? Sure you can't drive backwards to get to the back of the line but US highways are pretty convenient. Drive down to the next exit, do 2 U-ys and go to the back of the line. Sure it'll take more time but that's what your punk ass gets for ignoring it in the first place.

So anyway, back to the idea of weaponry. I guess something that would cause bodily harm to the individual in the car would be too extreme so machine guns, rocket launchers and the like are out. Maybe something that would slash tires or scratch the hell out of their paintjob? Or I guess even more benign would just be paintball guns or something that would just cause a minor inconvenience.

Anyhoo, I guess if people actually stopped being so self-absorbed I wouldn't have to talk about this but apparently Christmas shopping is more important.


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