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Last post of the year...

Figured I'd get one last post in before we officially call it a year. Spent the last week and a half driving miles upon miles and hitting the pavement looking for furniture for our new home. No one warned me that furniture shopping was such a huge pain in the ass. Since we're basically leaving almost all our 5-year-old Ikea relics behind, we've got a TON of stuff to look for. And my wallet's taking an even bigger beating (as if the mortgage wasn't bad enough). *sigh* There's certainly a ton of furniture out there to choose from, too bad 70% is crap/not to our tastes and 20% is awesome but way overpriced. So that leaves us with about 10% to work with. It's tough. But we're getting there. Hopefully have a few more pieces squared away before this New Year's sale is over. ;-p



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