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When all is well...

Moving Around

Devon's a real bundle of joy. I would like to think for the most part he's a pretty happy kid. Baby requirements are generally pretty simple. The only problem of course is when one or more of these requirements suddenly need to be fulfilled at 4 in the morning.

Happy Devon

Sometimes I wonder if Devon's really a cute baby or if I'm just under the influence of the "parent delusion" where every parent thinks their own child is the cutest, most beautiful baby in the world. Pre-Devon, my view on babies was exactly like this guy's. Erin or my mom would be looking at my cousin's kids and commenting on how they look like this or that while I'd just be, "Eh. It's a baby."


Normally we cover him up with a blanket when we put him in his bouncer but lately he's taken to kicking furiously when that happens so that the blanket slides off. All the while giggling happily. Apparently it's a big game to him. I'll keep covering him with the blanket and he'll just keep kicking it off with a smile on his face. It's funny as hell but I'm not going to be responsible if you catch a cold kid.


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Comments (3)

Nope Devon's a cute baby - even as a newborn (from the pics I saw) he was cute, which is unusual in babies, I find.


Felix is right... Devon is a TOTALLY cute baby!!!! He looks so healthy and very happy. I've seen a number of babies in the last couple years (my law school and work friends keep popping them out lately) and he is primo cute!! You can't help but want to pinch his chubby cheeks. (Not that I would of course, since that would make him very unhappy... but I do understand the impulse that your old Aunt whoever had to do the same.)


You have a genuinely cute baby. You can count on me for the real info! :)

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