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April 18, 2005

Damn diseases (take 2)...

So somehow the 3 black guppy females had survived a week in the goldfish bowl where I was dropping a fragment of anti-fungal tablet once every 2 days and a dose of Melafix daily. They didn't seem too happy about it but survive they did. And they were joined halfway by one of the orange guppy females who I had recently moved from the small 3 gal tank to the 12 gal and came down with similar symptoms.

So Friday I moved them back to the 12 gal tank. Apparently still not a good idea cause the symptoms started reappearing. So this time I'm treating the whole damn 12 gal tank cause whatever it is that's causing it is obviously in the big tank and hopefully this final treatment will take care of it for good. Fingers crossed.

The original koi swordtail male seems to be just about ready to give up the ghost now too. Acting like the last koi male did just before it passed. He's been getting really thin and looking kinda old lately with the back half of his body sorta sagging a little. Ah well, when he passes I'll be left with just one trio of koi's left. Unfortunately the 2 females don't seem to have any interest in breeding. Probably leery of the giant gold barbs.

Posted by ronin at April 18, 2005 11:14 AM


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