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May 21, 2005

I'm a nut...

Took a drive down to Aquarium Center today which uh, isn't something I'll be doing often since it's down by Cherry Hill. So pretty much 2 hours each way. =p Anyway, they have a nice shop with the largest selection of rainbows I've seen and a pretty good selection of other freshwater fish as well. Of course I couldn't drive all the way down there just to come home empty-handed but there wasn't much I wanted so I wound up with:

Yeah you read that right, a flounder. Of course it wasn't till I got home and looked it up on the net that I found out that it prefers brackish water. =( Ah well, we'll see how it goes. Quite an interesting find though. It's about three-quarters of an inch right now and supposedly can get up to 4 inches long. Flat as all hell and can even stick to walls.

The tequila sunrise guppies have these bright yellow tails with bright red edges. Quite pretty although one of the two that I received seems to have a bum eye. And their tails aren't as wavy as fancy guppies.

Posted by ronin at May 21, 2005 11:02 PM


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