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May 17, 2005

Starting anew (Part II)

Also spent this last Sunday evening redoing the 5.5 gal tank. Basically ripped everything out except the substrate, cleaned out the Stingray filter, moved some of the corkscrew vals and one gigantic crypt (I think that's what it is...) over to the 12 gal tank, and tossed a bunch of the existing plants that had just gotten out of hand.

All this so that I could finally put in the driftwood that I had originally purchased for this tank since the very beginning. It's a pretty nice piece IMO that stands on 3 legs so that fish can swim/hide under it from three sides. And in this position it also sticks fairly high up in the tank so it's a pretty good main decor for the tank. Replanted some of the existing plants around it afterwards but much, much less than before. Hopefully the extra room will give the planted ones space to grow into in time. Hopefully they'll grow quick. With a good chunk of of the existing plants gone and after a good cleaning, the water flow put out by the Stingray is much greater than it was before so I'm hoping that's not gonna tire out the gouramis to death.

Oddly enough, it seems like the stringy algae problem I was having before was dying down prior to my grand restoration. Hopefully it won't recur with this new setup but only time will tell.

Posted by ronin at May 17, 2005 11:43 AM


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