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July 14, 2005

Just a brief update

"Donated" a group of 9 guppies (6 male, 3 females) from my mother's tank to AF this past weekend and left with the lone small red honey gourami that they had left along with another sparkling gourami. The red honey was to replace the one (with no color that we thought was female) that we had just lost. Under slightly mysterious circumstances I might add. I noticed it's tail losing chunks every few days but never saw who was doing it. Couldn't have been the other red honey cause I don't think it's mouth is that big. One day just found the doomed one plastered against the filter intake and that was that.

The new sparkling gourami I wanted to add to the big 12 gal tank as well to accompany the one I had moved over from the 5.5 gal just in case it turned out to be female. However, during the acclimation process when I was floating the bag in the tank, the existing sparkling got quite aggressive and seemed to want to chase the new one in the bag through the bag. So that was out. Wound up putting him in the 5.5 gal instead.

The new red honey didn't exactly get a friendly welcome from the existing one either. The established one would chase the new one around the tank on sight and it's kinda funny when two gourami meet cause they look like they lash out at each other with their feelers. Anyway, it's been a few days now and it seems like the established red honey has grudgingly accepted the fact that the new one ain't going away. No more chasing anymore, at least that I've seen.

The new sparkling has taken to its new home relatively well it seems too. When I first put him in he seemed to be a little aggressive towards the larger flamingo gourami for some reason but now everything seems ok. The lone male koi rules the roost it seems. I still feel bad about keeping him in such a small tank though. =(

Posted by ronin at July 14, 2005 12:26 PM


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