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July 24, 2005

State of the Aquarium (AGA 5.5)

Had a couple of fish losses from this tank recently. I had moved over a red honey gourami from the Eclipse 12 a few days back cause it was acting funny and I thought maybe a change of location would help. Not quite. Seems like it had some sort of swim bladder disease cause it would stop swimming and just float head up on the surface for awhile. Then after that one died, the smaller flamingo gourami seemed to have come down with the same problem. It passed away this morning. So now there's one each of 4 different gouramis in here which seems to be ok.

One of the Japonica shrimp is carrying a ton of eggs. Been like that for a bit over a week now I think. Interesting to see what she'll do with them. I think I need to get more cherry shrimp for this tank cause the algae on the right wall is getting out of control.

I guess when we move I'm gonna have to replace the filter in this tank from a submerged one to a hanging one. Fish seem to like getting stuck behind the filter annoyingly.

AGA 5.5

Posted by ronin at July 24, 2005 2:50 PM


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