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December 4, 2005

Touched by Death...

Man, leave the apartment for one day and the fish start falling like flies. Came back in the evening to one dead black swordtail in my 12 gal, one dead female guppy in my 6 gal, and one dead chocolate gourami in my 5.5 gal. Damn.

The black sword had what I thought was a bout of ich earlier in the week so I had been dosing the tank with ich medicine and Melafix. The ich seemed to have gone away but I noticed that she had her fins clamped most of the time for unseeable reasons. Was going to move her and the newer koi female out to my old 3 gal which I pressed into duty as a quarantine tank but she died before I could do that. =( So I just moved the new koi female who had just been moping about the tank lately. Not eating, dorsal fin usually clamped, hiding in the back. Not sure if she's sick or just being picked on by the old koi female. Hopefully she'll start eating while under quarantine. Right now I just have it dosed with Melafix, Pimafix and Maracin Plus.

The female guppy was one I had brought over from my mother's place last weekend and she had been in bad shape then so it wasn't a surprise really. Actually she probably died a few days earlier, I just didn't see her remains until now. She had lived a pretty full life I think, gave birth a few times, her offspring was probably in the same tank when she died.

The chocolate gourami was a surprise. When I had seen him at The Fish Tank, he was one of only a few left and his color was a bit faded but a few hours in my 5.5 gal and he had regained his color and was seemingly swimming around without a problem and wasn't being harrassed by any of the existing gouramis. I hadn't seen him eat yet though but I doubt he died from starvation. So not sure what happened with him. Guess water conditions still wasn't good enough. These chocolate gouramis are sure turning out to be pretty picky.

Posted by ronin at December 4, 2005 4:17 PM


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