I’ve been a big fan of Timbuk2 for decades. Their bags have always been stylish, very functional, of excellent quality and materials, and very well made overall. The only problem with that is, because they’re so well made, there’s pretty much been zero reason for me to upgrade a bag.
Author: ronin
The US medical insurance system can be such a stupendous clusterfuck of ridiculousness. Almost to the point where there’s almost no difference in having insurance and not having it. Today’s case in point. I’ve been taking a particular medication on a daily basis for I would say probably over a decade now.
Before I begin, I just want to make it clear right off the bat that the title of this post isn’t metaphorical. After 47 years of successfully avoiding any major injuries to my body, I finally had to go under the knife for the very first time.
First post on the new blogging platform. In case anyone stumbles across this and was wondering, I recently (well, maybe not that recently) changed my hosting provider and in doing so, also had to change the blogging software that I was using.