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So the UPS guy delivers me a new phone yesterday. It’s my “free, no strings attached, upgrade” to my Sony Ericsson T68i courtesy of AT&T.

Why are they so “generous?” Maybe to kick me off the 1900MHz band onto the 850MHz band. (another North American GSM band that’s incompatible with Europe and Asia?)

It seems all their replacement phones for the 1900MHz models they’re phasing out are in fact downgrades. In my case, they’re replacing the first mass-marketed Bluetooth phone in the US (I put up with the slow, crappy, menus solely for this) with a NON-Bluetooth phone.

But I get polyphonic ringtones as consolation. Woohoo! :-p


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Heh, now would be a good time to switch to T-Mobile. ;-) At least you'll still be able to use your T68i.

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