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For those so inclined...


Some of you have been asking so Erin set up a couple of baby registries. Listed after the break...

Hard to believe there's only 3+ months left. Anyways...

At Babies 'R Us: http://www.babiesrus.com/registry/index.jsp

Registry # is 61564251 or search for Erin Lin

At Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/7YMEQCEAPULV/hitokiri-20

Most of the stuff here exists in the Babies 'R Us registry above so make sure you check both registries to make sure a particular item hasn't already been purchased. Thanks!

At BabyStyle: http://www.babystyle.com/common/grShopRegistry.asp?RID=428688

At Giggle: http://www.egiggle.com/registry_detail.aspx?id=5052

At Pottery Barn Kids: http://www.potterybarnkids.com/reg/guestpass.cfm?regid=1755012

And also the following individual products:







Many thanks for your generosity. =)

Comments (1)


Okay, the penguin plane is just too cute.... Thanks for putting these up! First baby should get the best of everything, of course!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 5, 2006 9:43 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Furballs....

The next post in this blog is Photo update....

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