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Liquid Addiction

Sweet Leaf Tea Half n Half

I've always been a sucker for new beverages on the market. Most of the stuff I try are one-shot only kind of deals, not good enough to warrant future patronage. Every once in awhile I run into something worth obsessing over. My current beverage of choice is this Half & Half Lemonade Tea by Sweet Leaf. Their whole line of beverages are certified USDA organic and not so massively sweet like Snapple. Plus I've always been a sucker for tea/lemonade mixes. I've also tried their Original Sweet Tea, Mint & Honey Green Tea, and Very Berry Hibiscus Tea and didn't like any of them except for the Half & Half. Erin liked their Original Sweet Tea though but she didn't see anything special about the Half & Half.

Unfortunately the only place I've been able to find this liquid goodness is at Mitsuwa. I've seen the brand at Whole Foods and A&P as well but they've never had the Half & Half yet. Fortunately we usually hit Mitsuwa every weekend and I'm single-handedly decimating their stock. If I see them on the shelves I buy them all. So far that's only meant 5 or 6 bottles max each trip. I'd buy them by the caseload if I could. So if you ever visit the Mitsuwa in NJ and see them for sale, don't buy any. ;-)


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