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On Funerals, Strippers, and Politics

I originally read about this strippers hired to dance at a funeral story this past Sunday and while it was interesting in that the deceased was Taiwanese, 103 years old, apparently "famous for his interest in strip clubs," and had probably hit every single well-known club on the island, I was bemused for a couple of seconds and then moved on. Two days later, the story made its way to the 8Asians site which revealed a new detail that the first site had not touched upon. Namely that the poor fellow had passed after walking 3.1 miles. TO VOTE. Now that's dedication. Apparently he was equally passionate about watching gyrating naked women and exercising his right to vote. Hopefully he didn't die before he could actually vote.

So, to recap, an 103-year old Taiwanese man, well-known around town for being a connoisseur of strip clubs, died after walking 3.1 miles to vote in the 2008 presidential election and had a funeral with strippers. Ahh... politics and sex, forever intertwined. ;-p


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