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Law School and Life

I have to say, law school so far has done three things to me:
1) Made me hypersensitive to accidents and other personally damaging incidents ("Ooh... hey, that's contributory negligence!! I wonder if they could add trespassing and interference with chattels to that too...")
2) Destroyed my eating schedule and habits
("Ooh...Cheddar and Sour Cream Baked Lays! So what if it's 11:30pm???")
3) Destroyed my sleep schedule utterly
("Sleep?? Sleep is for the weak!!!! Now what was I talking about again?? Is this Torts or Civil Procedure?? It's Saturday??? Oh... what class is this and what is my name again??")

Otherwise, I'm actually enjoying law school. Now what exactly does that say about me?? Am I utterly immoral or shady or deceitful or a mean SOB??? Hopefully, none of the above.

It's a weird time to be in law school actually. They're actually trying to reform the image of lawyers by forcing all of the incomding 1-Ls (slang for first year law students for those who don't know...) to actually pledge an oath of ethical conduct. By starting us early, supposedly, we'll come out of school as upstanding ethical individuals. I would put the text of the oath up, but goodness only knows it's probably proprietary or protected or copyrighted or something like that. Yes, let's see June in real life apply everything she's learned so far!

I have to thank all of my friends for not making too many lawyer jokes (not that I'm asking to hear some!). I REALLY appreciate it. The dean of my law school actually commented that if she heard one more lawyer joke, she would probably find herself in court for assault and battery. Heh... I kinda feel the same way sometimes. Especially when people take a step back (literally) when you tell them you're a law student. Like it means I've got cooties or something???

Okay, I've rambled enough about nothing. I'll try to update this occasionally and make it a log of my law school experiences. Maybe next time I'll talk about the one super annoying know it all in my class. I may have found my "law school nemesis/inspiration to get A's".

Oh, I have to say a big thank you to Ben for letting me ramble on about law school. =)

Comments (3)


Hi June -- no need to thank Ben -- I enjoyed your comments! I'm still thinking about law school, but as a journalist, I've *already* been accused of being "utterly immoral or shady or deceitful or a mean SOB." Maybe it is time for law school!


Hey June, good to see you finally post something. =) Ignore Andy, just cause he's an ungrateful ingrate doesn't mean you have to be too. You can thank me anytime. ;-p

Anyway, you aren't utterly immoral, shady, or deceitful which is why it seems strange (to me at least) that you voluntarily want to put yourself through this. ;-) Kinda reminds me of that timid black chick in Police Academy.

But anyway, the code of ethical conduct reminds me of the change in company policy that I experienced with Qwest and now with BNY. A year or 2 ago Qwest changed their motto to "Spirit of Service" (ack, gag) while BNY started a new "customerFirst" program this past year. I guess the idea is that "the economy may suck like crazy and (in Qwest's case) we may have been involved in shady business practices but NOW it's gonna be alllll different. Now the customer comes first." Pfft, whatever.


I am torn. I don't know whether to laugh or commiserate. And people thought I was crazy when I told them sleep would give. Well the law bug has sunk its hook deep in you, June. Enjoy it!!! As to the immorality and shadiness, we can always argue that there are degrees of immorality. But then again what is immoral in the eyes of the public is the law of the nation. Go figure!

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