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A plethora of good news...

Hello all!

Long time no post... I've been a bit busy though but here I am at last!

Some good news, actually really good news:

1) I got a job!!!

Unfortunately it is not a legal related job as I was hoping for but apparently it's almost impossible to find full time law clerk postions if you are a mere 1-L. (Should have thought of that but it was worth a try. The rejection letters were quite polite and nice, I must say. They all seemed to think I had a great background but there were "no openings compatible with your background at this time." Literally all of them said that too... Kinda weird actually.) Anyway, segue over... I am going to be working in the Department of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology for the section chief in the department who has a research lab working on gap junction proteins. (Don't worry if you don't know what those are... I am currently trying to figure that out myself.)

The bad part of this is that I will be working with and unfortunately will have to sacrifice mice. Urgh... So NOT looking forward to that. On the good side, I won't have to do it very often.

But the work sounds fascinating, is completely different from what I do now, and the guy I'll be working for is totally awesome! Not only that, I'll actually be making the same salary which worried me somewhat. I was really afraid I'd have to take a paycut with whatever new job I got so I'm pretty pleased. I'd be happier if I was offered more money but I'll take what I've got.

2) I'm DONE!!!!!! I actually survived my first semester of law school with my sanity intact. The finals were a bit on the hellish side, I have to say. Three hour essay exams are not my idea of saving brain cells, if you know what I mean. Eek! The days after both exams, I basically was brain dead and wound up napping as soon as I got home!

I think I did all right but I won't know until the end of January. Yes, end of January! Since it is all essay exams I'm kinda not surprised. Anyway, I'm done, done, done!!!!

Hope everyone has a nice holiday!!!! I know I will!!!


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Comments (5)


That reminds me of a job I had when I was back at the UoC where I had to help in rabbit surgery. Don't quite remember what exactly that was for but it was interesting. There was sacrificing involved as well but I wasn't around for that.

Aren't gap junction proteins the proteins that make up the gap junctions in cell walls? ;-) Important in cell-to-cell communcations.

But anyway, congrats on the job and surviving your first semester! Are you going home again for the holidays or staying up in Chicago?



Hey, I thought new law students generally weren't allowed to get jobs?


Thanks muchly!

Yes, Ben, those are the gap junctions we're talking about. (Show-off! =))

I am going home for the holiday from the 24th through the 29th. I have so little time to finish stuff at my current job! Ah, well... At least I'm close by! What about you??

Actually, full time 1-L law students aren't allowed to have full time jobs. It's strictly forbidden according to rules. But since I'm a part-time student the rules don't hold the same for some weird reason. It has a lot to do with course load basically. It's virtually impossible to take the full time course load and work. Just way too much time spent in class and studying to even contemplate it!


Hey, congrats from me too! So, we gonna have a reunion when Diana and I come to town, or what?


Heck, yeah it'll be a reunion!!! Can't wait to see both of you!! =)

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 19, 2003 11:55 AM.

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